
Large cell for sodium handling training
Sodium Fire Extinguishing
The combustion properties of a liquid metal such as sodium are quite unlike those of other more common fire hazards, and it is important to know the correct extinguishing method to adopt so as not to aggravate the situation. This training course is aimed not only at staff directly involved in fast reactor operation, but also at emergency crews who may be called upon in the case of a case of a serious incident. Training has already been provided to the local fire department, and it is hoped to extend this in the future. The Fast Reactor Training Facility can perform sodium fires up to 5kg in its combustion cell; the vortex ventilation system ensures good visibility for viewing. Training is given in the use of special extinguishing materials, respirators and heat-resistant clothing,
Sodium leakage course describes the various forms of leakage that can occur: slow seepage, pressurized spays, etc.. World experience in handling sodium leaks is presented as well as lessons learnt from the Monju accident. Techniques for leak detection and countermeasures to prevent sodium fires and reduce the damage should a leak occur are explained. Students take part in: loop heating; sodium charging and draining operations; observation of sodium leakage from piping; observation of the state of sodium remaining in the piping and insulation; treatment of sodium oxides. |

Plate to burn sodium
(For firefighting training)

Sodium loop
Sodium Loop Operation
The training loop holds 1 metric ton of sodium and operates in the temperature range 200~500.@Training is given on: monitoring and control of sodium purity; corrosion by sodium impurities; function and characteristics of sodium components. Practical work includes: preheating; sodium charging and draining operations; measurement of the performance of an electro-magnetic sodium pump; measuring sodium impurities with a plugging meter. |

Glove compartment
Properties of Sodium
This introductory course explains the physical and chemical properties of sodium and the reasons for its choice as a fast reactor coolant. It also examines the potential hazards associated with sodium and sodium compounds and their effects on the human body. Three courses are offered according to the background and specialization of the students. |

Small cell for sodium burning

Liquid sodium flow machine